We were halfway there when we encountered traffic - highly unusual for that hour of the morning. We slowed down to see a young man in the middle of the street, obviously under the influence. What came next was a total shock. He walked towards our (brand new) car, and glassy-eyed, smashed his hand into the windscreen, cracking it. Just like that. In the confusion that followed, my two brothers jumped out of the car, one slamming the car door on the other's finger - causing him to swear loudly and in the process, startling the perp into flight.
By now it was late, and I was thinking this trip was doomed, but my brother - a man 'born on a Sunday', said "Of course we're still going!" At the port, my brother-in-law produced the ferry tickets he had bought in advance and gave them to me as we were getting ready to join the line. I glanced down and right away noticed that we were booked on the sailing for May 14th , not April 14th. Er, problem... While we were still pondering our next move, a voice came over the PA system saying that the 6.30 sailing for this morning was cancelled because the Tobago Express had mechanical difficulties. All passengers would have to try for the 8.30 am sailing on the Tobago Spirit. Not only did we not have tickets for the correct date, but we were now trying to get seats on an overbooked vessel.
My Man Sunday said, "No problem". He took the tickets to the counter and began massaging the agent with explanations and gentle pleas. "...all the way from New York", "...mistake on the date", " ...vacation ruined". She softened, and before we knew it there were fresh tickets for the 8.30 am sailing. Incredible! We took the lovely 2 hour ride to the sister isle, docking at Scarborough without incident.
But the bad luck wasn't quite through with us. It rained every day after we got there - at the height of the Dry Season. Someone accidentally locked a bedroom door with the car keys inside, incurring another round of swearing, and requiring Man Sunday to jimmy the lock with a credit card. And sadly, on our trip to the beach, a young man may have drowned - an event I tried my best not to take in. We hurried past the people crowded around as the lifeguards worked on him, the sun sinking into the horizon. He was unresponsive, but I figured if we left the beach right away we would never have to know for sure. At this point we were already chalking up a list of every unfortunate event that took place on the trip, knowing we'd be reciting it for some time to come.
Sunset, Storebay - Tobago |
From that time on, we built extra caution into everything, wondering what else could go wrong, but not really wanting to know. All through it, Man Sunday was bright as a penny, or as we'd say - as a shilling, making plans for us to go to the Argyle Falls and cheering everyone along. The Argyle, a three tiered waterfall, was a torrent after all the rain we'd had. We hired one of the guides advertising his services along the road - a spry Rastafarian: there was a small river to cross, a bit of jungle to slash through, as well as a slippery hillside trail to navigate without using the slide feature. Just as we were about to cross the river ( more like a creek) with our Igloo cooler, we were stopped by the police who had pulled up in a Jeep. In a very rare case of police pro-activity, the guide was asked for his ID, which he didn't have - but luckily another well known guide was nearby to vouch for him. That worked for everyone.
The Guide - right |
At the Falls, we opened the cooler and shared snacks and drinks around, perching on rocks, dangling our feet into little plunge pools. With all the rain, the rocks were extra slippery and I fell into the water after impulsively trying to reclaim my son's flip flop that was swept away by a gush of water. Someone in the group yelled out rather angrily (abandoning as I had, the prime directive driving the day): "It's not worth it! Let it go!" I was sitting in two feet of water - but he was right, safety first.
All through this, my Man Sunday maintained the most open, curious state of mind - never succumbing to negativity, while my second brother (Wednesday's child) and I (Friday's) marveled at him. Were we born from the same womb? Man Sunday, I've been convinced since we were children - is an angel. Everyone who knows him agrees. Patient, generous, slow to every negative emotion or opinion. He embodies that popular I Corinthians verse about love: Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I got a fine lesson in taking things as they come, and pushing forward with common sense and optimism. After Argyle, it was smooth sailing and we breathed a collective sigh of relief, believing that this bit of karma or whatever it was had finally expended itself.
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