
Previously Featured Poems


Autumn is a solitude.
Winter is a fortitude.
Spring is an altitude.
Summer is an attitude.

Summer is a multitude.
Autumn is an aptitude.
Winter is a quaalude.
Spring is a prelude.

Spring is a lassitude.
Summer is a longitude.
Autumn is a gratitude.
Winter is an interlude.

Winter is a beatitude.
Spring is a platitude.
Summer is a verisimilitude.
Autumn is a semi-nude.

- Elaine Equi


At first the hush -
its hallowed falling,
weightless white dust.
And then how fast
it covers the world
grays the day
grounds the birds
erases the way you came,
routs the ghost of the last leaf –
how like shock, how like grief.

- Lorraine Robain

A Start

the silver hour
drops -

a spider
on the mirror
the hour

like drops
of a spider's
the silver drops,
the spider's hour,
the mirror...

Elaine Equi