
Friday, January 4, 2013

Skyfall and Moonrise Kingdom

No other Bond but this one (Daniel Craig's) could have traced his path forward into the world from an ancestral home like Skyfall. It was a bit of a stretch even for him, but no other Bond was dark enough to pull off such a grim origin, and frankly none of them left enough of the character on the screen to warrant that close of a look. The past three Bond movies have a continuity that the others lacked, and prompt a different level of investment (if one is a fan, as I am). In this movie - the wall between M and Bond is utterly demolished. There could be no going back from it, hence M's demise. Daniel Craig appears gaunt and a little haggard - did he lose weight for the movie,or just sleep? Or, was that look deliberately cultivated with makeup? I couldn't tell, and I found that more unsettling than Javier Bardem's scene-stealing Vader move - taking apart his own face as he confronts Judy Dench's M with the devastating effects of a not-quite-fatal cyanide pill. In case anyone is still wondering, M stands for Mother - or it should.

Moonrise Kingdom was an unusual little movie set on the fictional island of New Penzance ( actually, Rhode Island) - Gilligan's Island meets The Wonder Years meets Hogan's Heroes... or maybe something a little darker, like MASH.
Two misfit twelve year olds find each other (and love) and try to blow a bubble around themselves.He's a bespectacled 'coonskin capped cub scout, she's a reading runaway with a hair trigger temper.This was a comedy, and I bought it all the way up to the moment that the girl knifed one of the other cub scouts. Yes, he was a bully, but he was a kid and this was a comedy, dammit!. The wound wasn't serious, and neither was anything that followed.There was a storm, a Harold Lloyd-like run in with a clock tower, lightning, a flood, and perfectly respectable actors like Frances Mc Dormand, Ed Norton and Tilda Swinton ( et tu, Tilda? ) caught in the matrix of this movie with Bill Murray and Bruce Willis. I loved the 'New England nautical' look of the movie, and the soundtrack - but not much else.

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