
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Not Much Today

  There isn't much I have to say -
these pictures were a week ago, 
but could as well have been today.

Screeching seagulls hanging low
a cool wind sweeps across the bay,
these pictures were a week ago

but could as well have been today.
The Throgg's Neck Bridge's gentle bow 
has made the fractured city stay -

these pictures were a week ago,
who saw what happened there today?
There is no way for me to know.

There isn't much I have to say,
these pictures were a week ago -
but might as well have been today.

Not Much Today - by Lorraine Robain
Photos, mine - City Island 10/3/10

1 comment:

  1. Nice! A villanelle! The perfect vessel for the space of your non-subject....
